Is injury, surgery or stroke, limiting what you do? You can make improvements.
Whether injuries are recent or old, each is unique. Injuries can cause long term pain, fatigue, tension and restricted movement. Secondary problems such as compensations create additional challenges. Margot teaches you how to direct your own improvement and recover more fully from the affects of injury, surgery or stroke. By learning new ways to attend to yourself, you manage pain, increase stamina, relieve tension and move more easily. You improve flexibility, balance, and coordination, creating the option to live more comfortably.
The simple movement sequences of Feldenkrais open new neurological pathways in your brain, creating new habits of movement and reducing limitations. People of all ages and states of health are welcome and will benefit. Private lessons are tailored to the individual; group classes accommodate those with varied kinds of injury. Enjoy moving through your life again!
“Health is measured, not by the capacity to stay standing, but by the ability to be knocked down and then return to standing.” -Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais